be the love

be the love A
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  • Brand/Author: prout sarah
  • ISBN 13: 9780349428185
  • Publisher : piatkus
  • Availability: Stock Not Available
  • MUR 630.00

Title information be the love
Format ? 288 pages Pages
Publisher piatkus
Dimensions (H x W x L) : 1.3807 x 0.1549 x 0.8646 inches
Shipping Wtg Shipping Wtg: 0.28 Kg
Language ENGLISH
ISBN10 ?
ISBN13 9780349428185

the bestselling author of dear universe shares seven simple and powerful lessons full of practical guidance, soulful exercises and nuggets of wisdom in be the love - your invitation to use the power of your emotions to achieve happiness.

emotional empowerment expert sarah prout shares how to be the love you believe you deserve, and how to do it by embracing lessons such as overcoming comparison traps, finding freedom in forgiveness and accepting that making choices is how life happens, but living with your choices is how growth happens.

these lessons are illustrated by prout's own raw, personal stories that range from humorous to harrowing.

by following the seven pieces of advice and trying them in your own life, you will create radical and magical inner transformation, and inner transformation will lead to outer results, whether that's within your career, relationships, or something as simple as your own self-confidence as you walk down the street.

if you live your life with self-love and self-compassion as your north star, then you will thrive.

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