feed your child right rev ed

feed your child right rev ed A
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  • Brand/Author: alexander/yee
  • ISBN 13: 9789812614179
  • Publisher : marshall cavendish education
  • Availability: Stock Available
  • MUR 490.00

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Language ENGLISH

written especially for asian parents by nutritionists who are themselves parents, "feed your child right" is a book that every parent, caregiver or parent-to-be should read.

this practical guide provides relevant advice on how to ensure a healthy nutritional start in life for children, based on local food habits and customs.

it also includes useful sections on breastfeeding the newborn infant; common ailments and illnesses to help parents identify and spot the symptoms; and simple recipes for the baby's first year.

also included are a selection of popular family recipes which have been modified to be healthier and more appealing to children.


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